I am la la loving my color film pics from my ole trusty yashicamat.
Here's the lovely Stephanie...
On another note.
Things I'm not loving so much lately: my cynicism, my anxiety, my lack of faith, my lack of confidence, my constant picking at my cuticles, my overall stick-in-the-mud attitude....
I've been reading the Secret, and trying to visualize lovely things happening in my life. I've been inspired by the idea of having a gracious mindset and giving thanks for everything, the moment I get out of bed.
The conversation in my head this morning went something like this:
Thank you, God, for giving me this day.
Oh, but I am so tired, always so tired.
But thank you! I am alive and well!
Oh, but I've already slept too late and I'm annoyed that I won't have enough time for my yoga...
BUT I'm grateful. Grateful I have my sight, my hearing, my ability to walk, my family....
Ohhh but....
I want to really change. I really do. I know I've been saying this and saying this, but sometimes it seems I'm going in circles.
And I imagine that some of you have a different perspective of me - whether you only know my online presence, or you are a good friend of mine, even .... I am pretty good at clamming up my negativity and trying to keep from spreading it to others.
I discovered a new blog I like - a lovely artist named Erin Darcy - her entry for today seems to hit the nail on the head for me. She talks a lot about confidence and having gratitude. And I can just sense that in the way she writes, she is speaking from her heart. I'm not sure that I always do that. I think sometimes I'm speaking from somewhere that isn't even a part of me.
And I continue to be inspired by Boho Girl - her unwavering strength in sharing her emotions is so inspiring to me.
I want to be more open like that.
So perhaps that is a good start. Just being a bit more open on here. Being more of myself and not always editing, editing, trying to remember who might be reading this-or-that and catering to this person or that person. I want to just be me.
First things first - I am considering switching my blog back to tumblr. I've seen some more interesting tumblr themes online - FREE (imagine that!) - and I think if I just had a design that better reflected me....not the me I feel like I should be .... maybe that in itself would be a good start.
So here's to beginning a big change. (And to stop picking at my cuticles). (I might even post close-up photos of my hands so you can see. Maybe that would truly give me the kick in the pants that I need, out of pure embarrassment. Hmmm....who knows, I'll give it a shot). Do you like how I just put most of this paragraph in parentheses? haha...
See I'm feeling better already! Making jokes even!
So cheers to a happy weekend and happy Sunday - since it's almost Sunday. :)
Hope you enjoyed my photo, I'll be sharing more this week.
Lots o Love
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