Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm back :)

After a long drive up to middle America, I am now back in Texas. And busier than ever! Here's an image of Kim that I recently came across in processing my film - love it.

I hope to share more tomorrow, but it may be later in the week....

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was full of family and food :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Garden variety

Today is a mish-mash of fun girly pics.....the first is digital, the rest are film.

I am heading to Nebraska to see my family for Thanksgiving, so this will be my last post until Monday. Wishing everyone a nice holiday with lots of food and naps.

(this one is kind of a joke, it was my first attempt to catch myself makes me laugh....see that creased brow? I sure was concentrating hard...)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Colorful Meg and Vy

Had some fun at the playground this afternoon, the weather was just perfect. As I continue to work on my Girls just wanna have fun series, I'm finding it so fun to work with the unique personality of each woman and girl, and the unique outfits. Lovin it !! Meg is one of my bestest friends, and I just love the outfit she picked out when I explained what I was going for.

I was mostly working on some film stuff, which you'll continue to see as I get things processed and scanned ... but took a few digital snaps as well. I hope these images are a breath of fresh air after my last post :)

(I couldn't decide which of these two I liked better, so decided to go ahead and post both..)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mas film ! (more film) And changes! mas change.


I am la la loving my color film pics from my ole trusty yashicamat.

Here's the lovely Stephanie...


On another note.

Things I'm not loving so much lately: my cynicism, my anxiety, my lack of faith, my lack of confidence, my constant picking at my cuticles, my overall stick-in-the-mud attitude....

I've been reading the Secret, and trying to visualize lovely things happening in my life. I've been inspired by the idea of having a gracious mindset and giving thanks for everything, the moment I get out of bed.

The conversation in my head this morning went something like this:

Thank you, God, for giving me this day.
Oh, but I am so tired, always so tired.
But thank you! I am alive and well!
Oh, but I've already slept too late and I'm annoyed that I won't have enough time for my yoga...
BUT I'm grateful. Grateful I have my sight, my hearing, my ability to walk, my family....
Ohhh but....

I want to really change. I really do. I know I've been saying this and saying this, but sometimes it seems I'm going in circles.

And I imagine that some of you have a different perspective of me - whether you only know my online presence, or you are a good friend of mine, even .... I am pretty good at clamming up my negativity and trying to keep from spreading it to others.

I discovered a new blog I like - a lovely artist named Erin Darcy - her entry for today seems to hit the nail on the head for me. She talks a lot about confidence and having gratitude. And I can just sense that in the way she writes, she is speaking from her heart. I'm not sure that I always do that. I think sometimes I'm speaking from somewhere that isn't even a part of me.

And I continue to be inspired by Boho Girl - her unwavering strength in sharing her emotions is so inspiring to me.

I want to be more open like that.

So perhaps that is a good start. Just being a bit more open on here. Being more of myself and not always editing, editing, trying to remember who might be reading this-or-that and catering to this person or that person. I want to just be me.

First things first - I am considering switching my blog back to tumblr. I've seen some more interesting tumblr themes online - FREE (imagine that!) - and I think if I just had a design that better reflected me....not the me I feel like I should be .... maybe that in itself would be a good start.

So here's to beginning a big change. (And to stop picking at my cuticles). (I might even post close-up photos of my hands so you can see. Maybe that would truly give me the kick in the pants that I need, out of pure embarrassment. Hmmm....who knows, I'll give it a shot). Do you like how I just put most of this paragraph in parentheses? haha...

See I'm feeling better already! Making jokes even!

So cheers to a happy weekend and happy Sunday - since it's almost Sunday. :)

Hope you enjoyed my photo, I'll be sharing more this week.

Lots o Love

Friday, November 20, 2009

Lovely flower-like things

This video log intrigued me today ....

"First, I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose in life. Therefore, I demand of myself persistent continuous action towards its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such action. Second, I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward physical action and gradually transform themselves into physical reality. Therefore, I will concentrate my thoughts for 30 minutes upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to become, thereby creating in my mind a clear mental picture."

-Think and Grow Rich


I like it.

These words couldn't have come along at a more ideal time. This week I have made a new commitment to myself, to show up to my computer or camera or what-have-you every morning, just as I would for any other job. I think I'm finally taking myself a bit more seriously.

It's a nice feeling, really.

And the idea of re-training my thoughts again ... seems to be a persistent theme in my life lately. It's something I am finding to be a bit of a challenge. I am slowly changing. I am having to re-create my habits, my tendencies, my thought patterns.....

It is a lot of work. But it is good.

So. On that note, back to work. Here's a lovely flower-like thing to brighten your day :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I am hosting an art sale at mi casa, Saturday, December 5th, from 10 AM to 3 PM. woohoo!!

Feel free to come on down, and bring anyone you like. I will be selling various work, at discount prices (this is going to be yard-sale style, folks!), and there will be several other artists selling work as well.

Oh, and can you say MARGARITAS!

So come on already.

2214 Edinburgh St.
Arlington, TX 76018

Please leave a comment with your name if you'd like a reminder, or send me an email directly to: I will also post a reminder here the week of the sale.

Happy hump day!
Another old red dress image, this one is from March. I'm not sure what it is about this image that I like, but I keep coming back to it....

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Megan eyes closed

Love this. (If you know her, you can tell she's trying not to laugh...heehee...)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Film !!!

I'm finally getting some of my film stuff scanned .... so excited to share !

This is from a photo shoot several weeks back ...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Art Show Dec. 5th !!!

Come one, come all, mark your calendars!

If you have facebook, click here to see the facebook event page. (You will have to log in after following this link).

But here are the details:

Collision 3
Start Time:
Saturday, December 5, 2009 at 7:00pm
End Time:
Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 12:00am
Rorschach Gallery
518 West Davis #7
Dallas, TX

Clint Scism & Ange Fitzgerald present:

When the Arts Collide

Please join us on December 5th for an evening of Art, Music and good people as we help raise money for Arts Fighting Cancer (

Music by: The Happy Bullets
and The Felons
DJ: Miss Flowerette

Featuring works by 30 local artists!

Saturday December 5th 7pm-Midnight
$5 suggested donation

Rorschach Gallery
518 West Davis #7
near the Bishop Arts District in Oak Cliff
across the street from Gloria's Restaurant
Dallas, Texas

We hope to see you there.

Friday, November 13, 2009

So many old red dress pics...

Here's another one I've dug out of the archives. Never before seen material, folks !!! hee hee...

With my new computer I have yet to figure out how to compress my images - they may appear fuzzy because its a larger file size being scrunched down to fit in this template. If you click on any of the images I've posted recently, you will see a better rendition. :)

On another note - I'm currently planning an Art Sale - it will be Saturday, Dec. 5th, starting at 10 AM. It will be sorta yard-sale style, so discount is the idea. If you would like to come, I'll be posting more details soon. It will be fun....there shall be margaritas....

Happy Friday !!!!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New thoughts

Several years back, I read a book that made a light go off in my head. It talked about manifesting things in your life. About the law of attraction. I was intrigued. Like attracts like, it said. You are what you continually think about.

I took off running with new goals, new mantras, new lists of possibilities. I'm not sure if I truly believed it all, though. And I began to slip up, something-or-other wouldn't work out, this or that relationship would fail, opportunities seemed to slip through my hands. I definitely stopped believing. I set out to simply have a good attitude and remind myself of how fortunate I am, to simply appreciate what I do have. Even now, I am always prepared for failure or disappointment.

Which means my thoughts are focused on things being disappointing or not working out, increasing the likelihood of this happening.

I don't know if any of you have read The Secret, but this book came into my life again lastnight, and I think it's for a reason. I need to focus on changing my thoughts. I might be inspired and driven and hopeful for a fragment of my day, but there are so many moments when I'm caught up in negative thinking. I wrote down a few lines from the book that intrigued me. I hope they give you some motivation to be aware of your own thoughts. Powerful stuff.

Everything that's coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted to you by the virtue of the images you're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you.
If you are complaining, the law of attraction will powerfully bring into your life more situations for you to complain about. If you are listening to someone else complain and focusing on that, sympathizing with them, agreeing with them, in that moment, you are attracting more situations to yourself to complain about.

Some interesting things to ponder......

I'll leave you with an image from the playground - this image makes me happy. I want to stay with that happy feeling, and breed some positive thoughts in my head. Happy Thursday, friends.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jen's kiddos

So we couldn't leave out the kiddos during our photo session the other day ....

Here's Mr. Serious Ninja-man....

And the sweet serious girl I caught smiling :)

And here's a few by Jen! Jumpin on the trampoline, yayyyy....

Big goofball me...

Fun times !!!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Bridal session !!

Here's a sneak peek - more to come soon ...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fam :)

Hangin on the back porch this evening, drinkin some wine, snappin some pics of familia....

Brother Jesse...

Niece Joey (altho I'm sure you've gotten familiar with her)...

Day in Dallas with Luke

Oh, the things I'm coming across that never saw the light of day !!

This is from a day of exploring with Luke ...

Friday, November 6, 2009


I was interviewed by, the "metropolis for DFW photog nerds" !!!!

I am super stoked.
Much much thanks to Ange Fitzgerald. :)

red background days

I remember I went through a phase with this red background .... I went to town !

Maybe it would be inspiring to bring it out again. ?

Here's the lovely Naomi, one of my nieces who is growing up so much I just can't believe it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Some more red dress :)

Came across these old forgotten images ....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Came across these old pics ... I'm inspired to try and create some more abstract blur images ...
maybe it's time to aim for a new paint cup image. Hmmm...

I'm excited to say there are several art shows I'll be participating in this month and next. More info soon. :) !!!!! YAY

Happy hump day, peeps. I have this week and next left at my temp job, and then its nothing but focusing on creativity for awhile!!! I cannot wait.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Old red dress shoots

A few old randoms I've come across from red dress stuffs .... hope you like!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Keepin on..

Still diggin through old files - just making a dent into March.

Here's some more to continue with the pics from Waco ... funny to me how these images reflect my new fun girly series, and I took them nearly a year ago. I must have been on to something...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week of old potentials...

Whew. Going through all the photos you've taken in the past year is .... a bit exhausting. I am just now diving into February. I am enjoying it, though. It's like re-discovering old travels.

So let this be a week of old potentials .... come out and see the light of day, old files that have been hiding!


Here's Stephanie in Waco ....