Usually I would be uptight about the fact that I haven't posted anything new and super-exciting for the past several days, but I've just been caught up in other things, things that are just as important.
Today I have no intriguing words to quote from. I've had no photoshoots in the past few days. But still I want to share. I am driven to send out some kind of good energy into the universe....
So I dug around in my archives, and found this lovely photo of my niece Joey. Remember the young girl that jumped and ran around and posed for me a few weeks back? I forgot about this calm moment when she was resting....

And this inspired me to write a list of things I'm thankful for, I haven't done one of those on my blog in a long time.
And of course I love making lists....
A few things I'm thankful for today:
1. leftover pork loin that my sister-in-law Alex cooked the day before yesterday, because yes its still that good
2. Joey's perfectly positioned necklace in this picture - isn't it beautiful?
3. balancing perfectly on my money from a school photo shoot today for work - YES (insert victory dance here)
4. having my orange and blue painting on display in Austin finally !! (its been in storage for a year..)
5. the view on I-20 as you come up a particular hill and around a bend on the way home from Dallas....
6. freshly ironed pants to wear this morning, as much as I dreaded ironing them lastnight.
7. the new season of So You Think You Can Dance....after tonight's show I am PUMPED!
8. avocadoes.
9.. sleepytime tea.
9. speaking of sleepytime.....
Good night. :)
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